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A visit to the one of a kind TANK Center for Sonic Arts in Rangely, CO, led to an unexpected opportunity to record a couple short pieces in the incredible sounding space. These are both one take with no editing performed.
Vignettes of Death, Transfiguration, and Resolution Recital
Frohe Hirten, BWV 248
Rejoice Greatly!
O Holy Night
Anastasia singing 05/29/2022
5/1/22 Newport Harbor Lutheran Church
Newport Harbor Lutheran 5/1/2022
05/01/2022 Newport Harbor Lutheran Church
Der Hirt auf dem Felsen
Bach - Wir eilen mit schwachen, doch emsigen Schritten from Jesu
Drone Tones Debut! Oct. 15th, 2022
“Je vais revoir la beauté”
"Un di, si ben rammentomi...bella figlia dell'amore"
Selections from Orpheus & Euridice - Gordon
Sieben Lieder Performance at the SoCal Chamber Music Workshop
Performance Stills
Con Tutti